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Grades K-5

Please expand the items below to learn about the activity.

  • Goal

    Create a medal that represents a year from National Coin Week

  • Role

    Investigator and Artist

  • Audience

    The leaders of the Money Museum

  • Situation

    Imagine you are asked by the Money Museum to research a year from the past that National Coin Week took place for the 100th Anniversary celebration. They need your expertise to help them design a medal to celebrate the year you have chosen.

  • Product

    A medal design celebrating the year you researched.

  • Task

    Create a medal by completing the following steps:

    • Select one of the years from the next dropdown menu
    • Look at the theme of National Coin Week for the year you chose
    • Design a medal front and back (known as obverse and reverse) that represents the selected theme
    • Include at least 5 different design elements (images, words, pictures, drawings, etc.)
    • Write one paragraph (3-5 sentences) explaining how your design is connected to the year you chose

  • National Coin Week Years and Themes

    1955: Coins of the Americas

    1958: Around the World with Coins

    1959: The Portrayal of Lincoln Through Numismatics

    1964: Art on Coins

    1969: Coins — Links in a Chain of Peace

    1976: In the Sprit of ’76

    1984: Numismatics — A Foundation of Friendship

    1985: Numismatics — Open the Door with Books

    1986: Coin Collecting Family Fun

    1993: Strike a Friendship

  • Submissions

    Complete your submission here. Deadline is June 1, 2024.

  • Download Flyer

    Download the activity flyer here.

Grades 6-8

Please expand the items below to learn about the activity.

  • Goal

    Create a medal that represents a year from National Coin Week

  • Role

    Historian and Artist

  • Audience

    The leaders of the Money Museum

  • Situation

    Imagine you are asked by the Money Museum to research a year from the past that National Coin
    Week took place for the 100th Anniversary celebration. They need your expertise to help them design a medal to celebrate the year you have chosen.

  • Product

    A medal design celebrating the year you researched.

  • Task

    Create a medal by completing the following steps:

    • Select one of these years: 1969, 1970, 1974, 1983, 1984
    • Use the ANA archives to explore the documents related to National Coin Week in the year you have chosen. To access the archives, watch this video or complete the following steps:
    1. Visit the ANA Library webpage
    2. Select Library Catalog
    3. At the top of the page under search, select    Advanced Search
    4. In the top search box, where is says “words”, place an asterisk (*)
    5. Under select category, select National Coin Week
    6. Under year, select the year you have chosen
    7. A list of documents related to the year of your choice and National Coin Week will appear. To see the actual document, click on the globe at the bottom. Start your research!
    • You will need to find 3 sources that provide insight into the theme and/or history of the selected year
    • Using the 3 sources you have found, design a medal front and back (known as obverse and reverse) that represents aspects of National Coin week for the year selected
    • Include at least 5 different design elements (images, words, pictures, drawings, etc.)
    • Write one paragraph (3-5 sentences) explaining how your design is connected to the year you chose
    • Write a second paragraph (3-5 sentences) explaining how your choices were influenced by the sources your found
    • Provide a link for each source you use/reference for your design

  • Submissions

    Complete your submission here. Deadline is June 1, 2024.

  • Download Flyer

    Download the activity flyer here.

Grades 9-12

Please expand the items below to learn about the activity.

  • Goal

    Create a medal that represents a year from National Coin Week

  • Role

    Archivist and Designer

  • Audience

    ANA Board of Directors

  • Situation

    Imagine you are asked by the Board of Directors at the Money Museum to research a year from the past that National Coin Week took place for the 100th Anniversary celebration. They need your expertise to help them design a medal to celebrate the year you have chosen.

  • Product

    A medal design celebrating the year you researched.

  • Task

    Create a medal by completing the following steps:

    • Select one of these years: 1967, 1968, 1971, 1987
    • Use the ANA archives to explore the documents related to National Coin Week in the year you have chosen. To access the archives, watch this video or complete the following steps:
    1. Visit the ANA Library webpage
    2. Select Library Catalog
    3. At the top of the page under search, select    Advanced Search
    4. In the top search box, where is says “words”, place an asterisk (*)
    5. Under select category, select National Coin Week
    6. Under year, select the year you have chosen
    7. A list of documents related to the year of your choice and National Coin Week will appear. To see the actual document, click on the globe at the bottom. Start your research!
    • You will need to find 3 sources that provide insight into the theme and/or history of the selected year
    • Using the 3 sources you have found, design a medal front and back (known as obverse and reverse) that represents aspects of National Coin week for the year selected
    • Include at least 5 different design elements (images, words, pictures, drawings, etc.)
    • Write one paragraph (3-5 sentences) explaining how your design is connected to the year you chose
    • Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) for each piece of evidence you found in the archives. This means you will have 3 additional paragraphs, with each paragraph explaining how your choices were influenced by the specific source you are examining. Make sure to provide specific evidence and/or quotes
    • Provide a link for each source you use/reference for your design

  • Submissions

    Complete your submission here. Deadline is June 1, 2024.

  • Download Flyer

    Download the activity flyer here.

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