American Numismatic Association settles lawsuit

December 27, 2000 By ekr

American Numismatic Association settles lawsuit
Stack’s L.L.C., Superior Galleries and the ANA jointly announce today that they have resolved the lawsuit between them for $975,000. Stack’s and Superior brought suit against the ANA as a result of the award of the 1997, 1998 and 1999 auction contracts and related matters.

Harvey Stack of Stack’s and Steve Markoff of Superior thank ANA’s executive director, Ed Rochette, for his leadership and assistance in resolving this suit. They also congratulate the ANA for the positive approach which it has taken over the last few years.

Funding for the settlement came largely from the ANA’s insurer. ANA resolved this matter to avoid the additional expense and drain on staff resources that the lawsuit would have taken.

The parties appreciate the cooperative approach taken in achieving settlement and look forward to continuing to work together for the betterment of numismatics.

Originally Release Date: December 27, 2000
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
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