ANA Board of Governors Votes to Hold 2011 World’s Fair of Money in Chicago

August 6, 2008 By ekr

ANA Board of Governors Votes to Hold 2011 World’s Fair of Money in Chicago 
Previous vote to hold convention in Indianapolis is changed 

The American Numismatic Association Board of Governors has voted to hold its 2011 World’s Fair of Money® in Chicago. The vote was taken during the Board’s open session on Aug. 1 during the 2008 World’s Fair of Money in Baltimore. The decision changed a previous vote by the current Board to hold the convention in Indianapolis. 

The previous decision to hold the 2011 convention in Indianapolis was made during the Board’s meeting at the 2008 National Money Show™ in March. Due to a high level of feedback about the selected site, the ANA sent an online survey to its members on July 3 concerning sites for future ANA conventions. The survey indicated that from a list of 24 cities, Chicago was the second most popular site for an ANA convention, trailing only Baltimore. Governor Clifford Mishler made the motion to change the site of the 2011 convention to Chicago; the vote was 7 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 absent. 

“After hearing the concerns of our membership, the Board felt that additional input and discussion was needed to make a decision that best served our Association,” said ANA President Barry Stuppler. “Although Indianapolis is a fine location, the selection of Chicago is more in line with the wishes of our membership, and provides a larger metropolitan area and better travel options.” 

The dates for the 2011 World’s Fair of Money have not been announced. Site locations within the Chicago area are currently being considered. The ANA is also considering another time to hold a convention in Indianapolis. 

Originally Release Date: August 6, 2008
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9814
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