ANA Board votes on electronic voting during open session

October 20, 2014 By ekr


Scholarship and donation also approved

 The American Numismatic Association Board of Governors approved the use of electronic voting for the 2015 ANA elections, endorsed donations that will establish new scholarships for Summer Seminar and accepted a nomination for honorary host chair for the 2015 Chicago World’s Fair of MoneySM during an open session teleconference meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 14. 

The board voted 7-0 to approve an opt-in system for electronic voting in the 2015 election. Members who choose not to opt-in for electronic voting will receive a traditional paper ballot by mail.  

 “We want to use the paper ballot as the default, basically so people would have to opt in for an electronic ballot,” Governor Greg Lyon said. “But as we do this over the course of the next couple of elections, the one thing we can look to do in the future is make electronic the default option. … It’s something we can consider down the road.”

ANA members can opt-in for electronic voting by logging into and selecting “My Account.” From there, click on the link “update my information” and select “electronic ballot” under the ANA Benefits section.

The Board also made the decision to solicit bids from three companies that offer hybrid voting options before the end of November.

Other items voted on were:

  • The Board approved the Eugene H. Gardner YN Scholarship on a vote of 8-0. Heritage Auctions will endow a scholarship fund to be named in honor of Eugene H. Gardner. Seven thousand fifty dollars has been received from generous donors to seed the fund with an additional $50,000 to be paid by the end of 2015. The funding is intended to benefit YNs at Summer Seminar.
  • The Board approved the Colorado Wyoming Numismatic Association Donation on a vote of 8-0. The CWNA ceased operation as of June 18, 2014, and agreed to turn over its liquidated funds to the ANA to be earmarked for the ANA Adult Summer Seminar Scholarship Fund. An amount of $2,150.00 will be forwarded to the ANA, for up to two scholarships of $1075.00 apiece for Colorado/Wyoming resident recipients, with a balance of approximately $17,060 paid in January 2015 when CWNA’s bank certificate of deposit matures.
  • The Board accepted the nomination of Harlan Berk as the Honorary Host Chair for the 2015 World’s Fair of MoneySM.
  • The President tabled the 2014-15 Fiscal Year Budget as it is still under review by the budget committee. The Board will hold a special meeting on Thursday, Oct. 30, to review the budget.

The Board also heard an update on the Philadelphia 2018 World’s Fair of MoneySM as well as updates from Treasurer Gerome Walton, ANA Executive Director Kim Kiick and President Walter Ostromecki Jr. 

Governor Ralph Ross was absent and Governor Mike Ellis was delayed and joined the meeting in progress. 

A complete meeting agenda can be downloaded from Minutes from the meeting will be published in a future issue of The Numismatist.

An audio replay of the meeting is available on the ANA’s YouTube channel. 

The American Numismatic Association is a congressionally chartered nonprofit educational organization dedicated to encouraging people to study and collect money and related items. The ANA helps its 26,000 members and the public discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of education and outreach programs, as well as its museum, library, publications, conventions and seminars. For more information, call 719-632-2646 or go to

CONTACT: Lauren Springli

Telephone: 719-482-9864


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