March 7, 2014 By ekr


The American Numismatic Association Board of Governors chose Orlando as the host city for the 2017 National Money ShowSM, to be held March 8-11, during an open session at the Atlanta National Money Show, conducted at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, Ga., on Friday, Feb. 28.


The board chose Orlando on a 7-0 vote over several other cities, including Charlotte, N.C.; Daytona, Fla.; Knoxville, Tenn.; Savannah, Ga.; Richmond, Va.; and Hampton, Va. The board chose Orlando because of the state tax exemptions for rare coins and precious metals, the fact it has a major airport, and for its convention center. The annual Florida United Numismatists convention, held each January, will be in Tampa in 2017 rather than its traditional home of Orlando.


Atlanta -logoThe board also considered proposals to increase the cost of discounted banquet tickets at the World’s Fair of MoneySM. Currently, the ANA’s cost per person to attend the banquet is between $80 and $90; the current price of a discounted banquet ticket is $25. A proposal to increase the ticket price by $25 was withdrawn, while a proposal to charge 50 percent of the actual cost per meal was defeated on a vote of 3-3 with one abstention.


The board also debated the costs of bringing back the 60-year membership recognition. The cost to produce the nickel-silver recognition pins is around $2,000, an expense that is not in the current fiscal year budget. After Gov. Scott Rottinghaus pledged to donate the money to cover the cost of the pins, the board voted 7-0 to reinstate the program. Members who reached their 60-year milestone since the recognition was dropped in 2005 will receive a pin. 


In other business:


  • The board voted 7-0 to adopt changes to the Mediation Policy and adopt a new fee structure. Members will pay a flat fee of $100 for mediations valued at less than $1,000, and $150 for mediations worth more than $1,000. Non-member fees will increase to $200 for item less than $1,000 and $300 for items greater than $1,000.
  • Danny Bisgaard was named the Host Chairman for the 2015 National Money Show in Portland, Ore. Larry and Kathy Rowe were named as the Honorary Chairs.
  • Bill Cross was appointed as the Honorary Royal Canadian Numismatic Association Host Chairman for the 2014 Chicago World’s Fair of Money. The ANA and the RCNA are cross-promoting the World’s Fair of Money and the RCNA annual convention in Toronto, which occur within a week of each other.
  • The board recognized Cole Schenewerk for serving as the board’s first Youth Board Intern over the past six months. Katie Reinders will serve as the next Youth Board Intern.
  • Schenewerk also gave a presentation on the progress of the new ANA website and Association Management System.

To view a replay of the meeting or to view Schenewerk’s presentation on the new website, go to

 Governors Jeff Swindling and Laura Sperber were absent from the meeting.


The American Numismatic Association is a congressionally chartered nonprofit educational organization dedicated to encouraging people to study and collect money and related items. The ANA helps its 25,500 members and the public discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of education and outreach programs, as well as its museum, library, publications, conventions and seminars. For more information, call 719-632-2646 or go to

Originally Release Date: March 7, 2014

ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872


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