ANA Honors Leonda Finke with Medallic Sculpture Award

August 19, 2006 By ekr

ANA Honors Leonda Finke with Medallic Sculpture Award 

In recognition of her contributions to numismatic art, the American Numismatic Association conferred its 2006 Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture to Leonda Finke at the Denver World’s Fair of Money® in Denver August 19. 

Finke, of Roslyn, NY is a well-known and respected medallic sculptress. Her work includes both struck and cast medals that are popular with museums, artists and collectors. She is known for her powerful yet intimate imagery, innovative medallic designs, and artistry from concept through execution. 

Finke’s work is included in collections of the British Museum, the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, the American Numismatic Society, the National Sculpture Society, the National Academy of Design and Brookgreen gardens, among others. She is currently working to produce a book on her body of work. 

“Finke’s artistic work and dedication to her craft have made her well deserving of this award,” said Beverly Philip Mazze, who nominated Finke. Therefore, in appreciation of her commitment to excellence in medallic sculpture, the American Numismatic Association honors Leonda Finke and expresses the sincere appreciation of its members. 

Originally Release Date: August 19, 2006
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9864
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