ANA Museum and Library not threatened by forest fire

June 17, 2002 By ekr

ANA Museum and Library not threatened by forest fire

The American Numismatic Association (ANA) Museum, Library and headquarters building in Colorado Springs is not endangered by a Colorado wildfire that, in a week, has consumed more than 100,000 acres of forest land and more than 20 homes, and forced the evacuation of more than 5,000 people.

“We have received numerous inquiries about the safety of the museum and library contents due to the national publicity focused on the largest forest fire in Colorado’s history,” says ANA Executive Director Edward C. Rochette. “I want to reassure our members that the fire is more than 30 miles west of Colorado Springs and has been no threat to the city and the ANA home and headquarters.”

When the fire first began in the Hayman camping area near Lake George, it was quickly spread north by high winds and, at one time, threatened suburbs at the far southwestern edge of Denver, according to firefighter reports. However, the wind shifted south, and the fire moved back on itself before consuming forest land west and east of its original path. Improved weather conditions and repeated dumping of water and fire retardant by airplanes and helicopters allowed firefighters on the ground to gain increasing control of the inferno.

“The fire has caused some smoke over the Colorado Springs area, but not of the intensity seen in mountain communities closer to the flames,” Rochette says. “With the concentrated efforts devoted to fighting the wildfire, we are hopeful it will be completely under control when the first session of the ANA Summer Seminar begins on June 29.”

Because of the statewide drought and the six other fires already burning in Colorado, open fires are banned in many national and state forests and parks in the state, with a total ban on fireworks.

Those wishing to learn more should visit the following web sites: 
  • Hayman fire site: 
  • National Interagency Fire Center: 
  • U.S. Forest Service site for the Pike National Forest: 
  • Colorado Springs Gazette newspaper: 
  • Denver Post newspaper: 
  • Rocky Mountain News newspaper:

Originally Release Date: June 17, 2002
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
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