ANA Proposal for Revised Bylaws Available for Members to Review and Comment

February 22, 2007 By ekr

ANA Proposal for Revised Bylaws Available for Members to Review and Comment 

The American Numismatic Association’s Bylaws and Governance Task Force has made some modifications to its recommendations to revise ANA bylaws and seeks member feedback on the proposal, which will be discussed at the ANA Board of Governors meeting March 14 and 15 prior to the National Money Show in Charlotte.

The proposal, which is published in the March Numismatist and on the ANA website at (click on “Member Feedback” from the “Communications” drop-down menu), was changed as a result of member feedback received both online and at the Board meeting in Orlando in January. Based on that feedback, a recommendation that would have allowed the Board governors to elect a chair and vice chair was eliminated, and the proposed establishment of Board Development Committee was clarified.

Proposed bylaw changes include changing the election process to allow members to vote online or by paper ballot; establishing a Board Development Committee to encourage more members to run for the board; implementing staggered, four-year terms for governors and two year terms for board chair and board vice chair; and establishing standing committees for audit, personnel and board development.

The ANA Board of Governors is expected to review member feedback and discuss the proposed bylaw changes during its open session meetings in Charlotte; a vote is expected during the Board meeting in Milwaukee in August. The agenda will be posted on the ANA website as soon as it is available.

The Task Force recommendations were initially discussed during a Board meeting in Las Vegas in October, and then again at the FUN show in January. Online feedback has been solicited since Oct. 6.

“The proposed bylaw changes incorporate a strong element of accountability and responsibility,” said Gov. M. Remy Bourne, who chaired the task force. “Without a viable governance structure that protects the ANA’s programs and assets, we will ultimately wither and disappear.”

ANA Executive Director Chris Cipoletti said the proposed revisions set direction and offer guidance without mandating how things should be handled operationally. “This is particularly important in this fast-paced world, where operations must change continually to meet the needs of the membership,” he said. “If the bylaws must be revised every time we want to make a change in our operations, we may miss opportunities that are important to ANA members.”

Members are encouraged to submit comments by mail to ANA, 818 N. Cascade Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80903, fax: 719-634-4085, or e-mail by completing the electronic member comment and feedback form on the “Member Feedback” area of the website. Comments go to the entire ANA Board of Governors and to the Executive Office.

Originally Release Date: February 22, 2007
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9864
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