ANA Seeks Nominations for 2007-09 Officers

November 28, 2006 By ekr

ANA Seeks Nominations for 2007-09 Officers 

The American Numismatic Association will accept nominations for its nine-member Board of Governors, including the offices of President and Vice President, Dec. 1. To obtain official nomination forms and guidelines, call the ANA Executive Office at 719-482-9849 or e-mail 

To become a candidate for ANA office, a member must be nominated by at least five clubs and five individual members. All must be ANA members in good standing. 

The election process is governed by the ANA bylaws, including the offices and the process for nominations, elections and balloting. The bylaws and codes of ethics are posted on the ANA website at (click on “About ANA”). 

Forms must be submitted to Christopher Cipoletti, ANA executive director no earlier than Dec. 1 and no later than March 31. 

The new board will be installed at the ANA’s 116th Anniversary Convention in Milwaukee in August, and will set the policy for the Association for the next two years. 

Originally Release Date: November 28, 2006
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9864
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