ANA Will Use Website to get Member Feedback, Board Seeks Input on Exhibit Committee Recommendations

October 25, 2006 By ekr

ANA Will Use Website to get Member Feedback, Board Seeks Input on Exhibit Committee Recommendations 

American Numismatic Association members can now use the ANA Website to provide direct input to the Board of Governors on important policy issues. 

Effective October 6, members can go to, click on the member feedback link under “news and events,” and go directly to a page that features the full recommendations of the Exhibits Committee. Members can then fill out a feedback form and send it directly to the Board of Governors and the ANA Executive Office. 

Member feedback will be summarized periodically and placed on the Website along with a representative sample of comments and observations. The Board also will solicit feedback on future issues under consideration. 

“We feel this will be a very effective way for members to share their thoughts, opinions and suggestions with their elected Board,” said ANA President William H. Horton Jr. “It’s important that members are part of the decision-making process. Using the online feedback program, members can conveniently review background materials and send their comments to all the Governors. The Board, in turn, will use this input to help guide its decisions.” 

Members without internet access can request copies of committee recommendations or other background materials by contacting the ANA Executive Office at 1-719-482-9849. Their comments can be faxed to 719-634-4085 or mailed to headquarters at 818 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo., 80903. 

Proposed changes recommended by the ANA Exhibit Committee were initially presented at the Board meeting in Denver, and will be discussed again at the Board meeting at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 27 during the Las Vegas Coin, Stamp and Collectibles Show. 

The meeting will be held in room “D” at the Treasure Island Hotel, 3300 Las Vegas Blvd. Following discussion, and based on feedback from members, the Board will direct the Exhibits Committee to prepare a final proposal for consideration at the March meeting in Charlotte, N.C. 

Among the Exhibit Committee recommendations is the consolidation and realignment of existing exhibit categories, from 25 to 16; introduction of a new exhibit category that would relate to a convention theme; expanding the number of exhibits an exhibitor may place in a class; and changes to the exhibit awards and endowments. 

Horton appointed exhibit judge Wendell Wolka as exhibit committee chair in 2005. Wolka assembled a group of long-time ANA exhibit judges and exhibitors to evaluate the current exhibit structure and make recommendations to the board. 

To visit the online feedback area, go to and click on “Feedback” under “News and Events,” or click on “Board of Governors” from the “Communications” drop-down menu. 

Originally Release Date: October 25, 2006
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9864
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