Arthur M. Fitts III Receives ANA’s Exemplary Service Award

August 19, 2006 By ekr

Arthur M. Fitts III Receives ANA’s Exemplary Service Award 

The 2006 recipient of the American Numismatic Association Exemplary Service Award, presented for services performed on behalf of the ANA, is Arthur M. Fitts III. The ANA Exemplary Service Award is presented to an individual, club or corporation, firm or association whose services to the ANA are deemed “above and beyond the call.” 

Fitts of Framingham, Mass., was honored at a special awards ceremony at the Denver World’s Fair of Money® on August 18. 

Fitts joined the ANA in 1955 and is a past assistant executive director of the Association as well as its second museum curator and first convention coordinator. 

An ANA Summer Seminar instructor for more than 20 years, he serves as a mentor in the Numismatic Diploma Program. Fitts has conducted more than 25 Numismatic Theatre presentations at ANA conventions and over 100 programs on the local, regional and national level. He has served as an ANA national volunteer for 15 years. 

Fitts previously has been recognized with the Association’s Presidential Award, Medal of Merit, Glenn Smedley Memorial Award and Lifetime Achievement Award. 

Originally Release Date: August 19, 2006
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9864
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