Past ANA Service
Award Recipients

This alphabetical listing contains the past recipients of the following awards:

Service Awards – nominated by membership

  • Chester Krause Memorial Distinguished Service Award
  • Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award for Achievement in Numismatics
  • Numismatist of the Year
  • Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year
  • Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture (selection by standing committee)
  • Adna G. Wilde Jr. Award for Exemplary Service
  • Medal of Merit
  • Glenn Smedley Memorial Award
  • Lawrence J. Gentile, Sr. Memorial Award for Outstanding Adult Advisor
  • Young Numismatist of the Year
  • Outstanding District Representative


Literary Award

  • Burnett Anderson Memorial Award for Excellence in Numismatic Writing (nomination and selection by standing committee)


Recruitment Awards

  • Century Club Award (100 Members recruited during lifetime)
  • John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award
  • Dealer Booster Award


Retired Awards

  • Outstanding Club Representative Award (1965-2005)
  • Helen Carmody–Lebo Memorial Award for Outstanding District Delegate(1989-2005)
  • Terry Armstrong Memorial Award for Outstanding Regional Coordinator (1994-2005)
  • Outstanding Government Service Award (1991-2009) 
  • Exemplary Service Award (1991-2017)
  • Adna G. Wilde Jr. Award for Excellence (title change) (2008-2019)
  • Farran Zerbe Memorial Award for Distinguished Service (1951-2021)

Please direct any omissions or corrections by email to

Or by mail to:

American Numismatic Association

Attention: Awards Coordinator

818 North Cascade Avenue

Colorado Springs, CO 80903–3279


Acker, Maribeth 2004 – Century Club Recipient

Adams, Eva 1984 – Medal of Merit

Adkins, Gary 2010 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

2018 – Century Club Award

2019 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Akers, David 2011 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Alexander, David T. 1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2000 – Medal of Merit

2010 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

2013 – Numismatist of the Year

2021 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Allen, Harold Don 1970 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Alones, Vincent W. 1995 – Medal of Merit

Amos Press 1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Anderson, Burnett 1996 – Outstanding Government Service Award

1999 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award (posthumously)

Anderson, Harold A. 1991 – Medal of Merit

2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Anderson, Mark 2023 – Medal of Merit

Anderson, P.K. 1958 – Medal of Merit

Annunzio, Frank 1985 – Medal of Merit

Armstrong, Ruth 1994 – Medal of Merit

Auletta, Andrew C. 2006 – Century Club Award

Austrian Mint 1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Baber, Albert L. 1988 – Medal of Merit

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1997 – Century Club Recipient

Baber, Dorothy C. 1988 – Medal of Merit

1990 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

1995 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2003 – Century Club Award

2020 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award

Baber, Lawrence P. 2000 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2018 – Medal of Merit

Baber Family 2003 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Bailey, Donald E. 2003 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2005 – Medal of Merit

Bailey, Lois R. 2005 – Medal of Merit

Baker, Abigail 1996 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Banks, Antoinette 2005 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Barber, Eve 2020 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Barker, Kelly 2022 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Barman, Scott 2019 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Barna, Alex J. 2004 – Century Club Recipient

Barry, James R. 2009 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bartee, Lyman C. 1994 – Medal of Merit

Bason, Autence A. 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bason, J.W.B. 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bass, Harry 1989 – Medal of Merit

Bass Foundation 2013 – Exemplary Service Award

Bastable, Carol 2022 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2024 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Bebee, Adeline 1988 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1992 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Bebee, Aubrey E. 1968 – Medal of Merit

1988 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award 

1992 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Bedoukian, Dr. Paul Z. 1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bellisario, Leroy J. 1980 – Century Club Recipient

1981 – Century Club Recipient

Bellman, V. Kurt 2022 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Belskie, Abram 1974 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Belt, V. Leon 1952 – Medal of Merit

Benoit, Bruce 2008 – Outstanding District Representative

Bergen, Herbert M. 1972 – Medal of Merit

1974 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Berk, Harlan J. 2006 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2011 – Numismatist of the Year

2020 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

Best, Carrie 2019 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award

2021 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bieda, Steven 2024 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bisgaard, Danny 2022 – Outstanding District Representative

Black, Archie 1991 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Blake, George H. 1950 – Medal of Merit

Blanchard, Julian 1966 – Medal of Merit

Bobrofsky, Ann 2017 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Boggs, Dennis 2024 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Boling, Joseph E. 1991 – Medal of Merit

2000 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2005 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2013 – Exemplary Service Award

Bonaro, Anthony 2022 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bonham, E. Richard 2017 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Bonser, Don 2011 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2016 – Medal of Merit

Boosel, Harry X. 1986 – Medal of Merit

1989 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Borack, Paul 1990 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1994 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Borckardt, Mark 2020 – Numismatist of the Year

Boston Numismatic Society 2002 – Exemplary Service Award

Bourke, Virginia 2012 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2024 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Bourne, M. Remy 2007 – Century Club Award

2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bower, Christopher 2023 – Century Club Award

2024 – Outstanding District Representative

Bowers, Q. David 1980 – Century Club Recipient

1987 – Medal of Merit

1991 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1995 – Numismatist of the Year

2000 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

2003 – Exemplary Service Award

2005 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Bowman, Fred C. 1976 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Bradfield, Elston G. 1957 – Medal of Merit

1963 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Bram, Morris 1988 – Medal of Merit

Brandimore, William 2000 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Bressett, Bert 1993 – Medal of Merit

1998 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Bressett, Kenneth E. 1978 – Medal of Merit

1997 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1998 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2001 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2004 – Numismatist of the Year Award

2010 – Century Club Award

2017 – Adna G. Wilde, Award for Excellence

2018 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Brettell, Ruthann 1978 – Medal of Merit

1996 – Exemplary Service Award

1997 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

British Royal Mint  1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bronson, Virginia L. 1965 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Brooks, Mary 1988 – Medal of Merit

Brower, Kari 2017 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Brown, Dan 1965 – Medal of Merit

Brown, Earl C. 1956 – Medal of Merit

Brown, Kevin 2008 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Brown, Vernon L. 1951 – Medal of Merit

Browne, Charlie 2006 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Brueggeman, Robert 2004 – Exemplary Service Award

Brush, Blenda 2011 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Brush, John 2022 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

Brush, Wendell 2011 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Bryan, Roger P. 1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1993 – Medal of Merit

Bryan, Virginia 1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1993 – Medal of Merit

Burdette, Roger W. 2023 – Numismatist of the Year

Burke Jr., Bryan O. 1977 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Burke, Garrett 2005 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Burleson, Mary Counts 2016 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award 

Burns, Ray 2019 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Byrne, Ray 1971 – Medal of Merit

Calhoun, Cindy 2020 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

California State Numismatic Association 1998 – Exemplary Service Award

Campbell, H. Robert 2000 – Century Club Recipient

2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2019 – Medal of Merit

2024 – Chester Krause Memorial Distinguished Service Award

Campbell, Randy 1994 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Carlucci, Donald D. 2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2004 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Carmichael, Halbert 2014 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Carmody, Donald L. 1994 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Carmody–Lebo, Helen 1990 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1991 – Medal of Merit

1994 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

1998 – Century Club Recipient

Carroll, Sheldon S. 1971 – Medal of Merit

Case, Roger 1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Castle, Michael N. 1997 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Cazin, Lonnie T. 1995 – Medal of Merit

Cazin, Roger W. 1995 – Medal of Merit

Cervin, David R. 1977 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1984 – Medal of Merit

Charters, Donald W. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2000 – Medal of Merit

2005 – Century Club Award

Cheung, Eric Li 2001 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Chicago Coin Club  1999 – Exemplary Service Award

Clain–Stefanelli, Elvira  1992 – Medal of Merit

1996 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2013 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award (posthumously)

Clarke, Joseph 1985 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1987 – Medal of Merit

Clarke, Mae 1985 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1987 – Medal of Merit

Cleaver, Ralph F. 1981 – Medal of Merit

Cohen, James H. 2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

  2004 – Medal of Merit

Coin World 2021 – Dealer Booster Award

Colver, Charles G. 1981 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1994 – Medal of Merit

Connell, Christopher T. 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2000 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Contursi, Michael 2021 – Century Club Recipient

Contursi, Steven 2007 – Century Club Award

2007 – Exemplary Service Award

Cook, John 1988 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Coole, Arthur B. 1977 – Medal of Merit

Coppersmith, Jeffrey 1973 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Crenshaw, David 2014 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2024 – Medal of Merit

Criswell, Grover C. 1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1994 – Medal of Merit

Cross, Daniel 2006 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2017 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Cuhaj, George S. 2002 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2022 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Culver, Virginia 1981 – Medal of Merit

1987 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Curtis, James W. 1956 – Medal of Merit

Curto, James J. 1958 – Medal of Merit

1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Cutcliff, Chip 2004 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Daniel, Howard A. 2008 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Dannreuther, John D. 2007 – Numismatist of the Year

Daub, Eugene 1991 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Davenport, Dr. John S. 1955 – Medal of Merit

  1967 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Davis, Darryl 2003 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Davis, Doug 2020 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

2024 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Davis, Erin 2000 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Davis, Merril O. 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Davis, Patricia E. 2004 – Century Club Recipient

Dawson, Debbie 2006 – Outstanding Government Service Award

deLeon Tallavas, Ricardo 2011 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2019 – Outstanding District Representative

2021 – Medal of Merit

De Lue, Donald 1979 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

de Pedery-Hunt, Dora 1992 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Deep, Sam 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2008 – Exemplary Service Award

2010 – Medal of Merit

Deisher, Beth E. 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award 

2004 – Century Club Recipient

2006 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

2010 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Deleu, Walt 1999 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

DeLorey, Thomas K. 2009 – Numismatist of the Year

2011 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

2020 – Lifetime Achievement Award

DeNise, D. Dee 1957 – Medal of Merit

Detroit Coin Club  1994 – Exemplary Service Award

Dewey, William S. 2006 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Dickson, Leonora 1968 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Diehl, Philip 1996 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Dillard, Raymond W. 2003 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2009 – Medal of Merit

2013 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Award for Excellence

Dinger, John M. “Mike” 2021 – Century Club Recipient

D’Ippolito, Steven J. 2018 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Dobrucka, Magdalena 2019 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Dodson, Oscar H. 1950 – Medal of Merit

1968 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Dodson, Tom 2012 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Dolnick, Michael M. 1966 – Medal of Merit

Donato, Christopher 2011 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Donnell, Gordon R. 1997 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

1998 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award 

2008 – Medal of Merit

Doxzon, Bryce F. 2016 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Doty, Richard 2013 – Lifetime Achievement Award (posthumously)

Douglas, Damon G. 1948 – Medal of Merit

Drake, Steven 1989 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Dunn, Hal 2002 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Dunn, John W. 1964 – Medal of Merit

Duthie, Shawn 1982 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Dutton, Ron 2014 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Dyer O.B.E., Graham 2002 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Edlow, Ellis 1974 – Medal of Merit

Ellis, Michael L. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Ellsworth, Steven K. 2001 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

2019 – Century Club Award

2021 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

2021 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Elms, William E. 1973 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Emme, Sandra 1985 – Adult Advisor of the Year

England, Victor 2015 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

Ernst, Mitchell 2015 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2016 – Medal of Merit

Eshbach, John R. 1987 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

2000 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2001 – Medal of Merit

2009 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Everhart II, Don 1994 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Eymery, Muriel 2021 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Fanton, Brian E. 1994 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

1998 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1998 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

2002 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

2012 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Award for Excellence

2017 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2020 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

Federal Express 2005 – Exemplary Service Award

Feingold, Ellen 2021 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award

Feltner, Steven T. 2004 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Ferguson, J. Douglas 1947 – Medal of Merit

1966 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Ferrell, T. James 2002 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Fey, Michael S. 2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2020 – Medal of Merit

Fick, Nathaniel 1994 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Finke, Leonda 2006 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Finner, Patricia A. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2004 – Century Club Recipient

2004 – Medal of Merit

Finner, Roland 2006 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Fitts, Prudence 2002 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2012 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2018 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award

2021 – Medal of Merit

Fitts III, Arthur M. 1998 – Medal of Merit

2000 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2001 – Lifetime Achievement Award 

2006 – Exemplary Service Award

2010 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Award for Excellence

2012 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Fitzgerald, Thomas F. 1995 – Medal of Merit

1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Fivaz, Bill 1984 – Medal of Merit

1989 – Medal of Merit

1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1991 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1995 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2001 – Numismatist of the Year

Fogg, Clark W. 2014 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Fogler, Edward 1955 – Medal of Merit

Fore, Henrietta Holsman 2004 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Forman, Harry J. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2000 – Numismatist of the Year

2001 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Frank, David 2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Frans, P.H. 1966 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Frantz, Joe 1976 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Frechette II, Roderick T. 2022 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2022 – Numismatist of the Year

Freeland, Daniel & Kathy 2013 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Freeland, Kathryn S. 2023 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Freeman, Harley L.  1968 – Medal of Merit

Freeman, S.W. 1963 – Medal of Merit

Friedberg Family 1992 – Medal of Merit

Fritsch, Robert F. 2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2005 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

2011 – Medal of Merit

Fuld, George J. 1961 – Medal of Merit

2002 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Fuld, Melvin 1962 – Medal of Merit

Fuljenz, Michael R. 2013 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2014 – Medal of Merit

2021 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

2023 – Chester Krause Memorial Distinguished Service Award

Gabarron, Byrnadette 1969 – Medal of Merit

Gabarron, John J. 1956 – Medal of Merit

1979 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Gallery Mint, The 2000 – Exemplary Service Award

Galst, Jay M. 2015 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Gamble, Wilfred A. 1999 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Ganz, David L. 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Garland, Paul E. 1992 – Medal of Merit

Garrett, Anthony D. 1992 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Garrett, Jeff C. 2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Gasparro, Frank 1968 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

1992 – Medal of Merit

Gaye, Larry 2008 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2013 – Medal of Merit

Gentile Jr., Larry 1981 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Gentile Sr., Lawrence J. 1980 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1983 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1988 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1994 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1997 – Century Club Recipient

1997 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1998 – Medal of Merit

2001 – Century Club Award

2001 – Special Adult Advisor Award

2006 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Gettys, Loyd B. 1951 – Medal of Merit

Gilkes, Paul A. 2013 – Burnett Anderson Award

Gong, Lee H. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1999 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2003 – Medal of Merit

Gonzalez, Henry B. 1993 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Gould, Maurice M. 1970 – Medal of Merit

1976 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Graham, Ian 2007 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Grant, Freydis 1997 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Grant, William 1997 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Green, Nancy 1991 – Medal of Merit

2009 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

Greenslet, John 1983 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Greer, Mike 1996 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Gregory, Barbara J. 2023 – Elvira Clain Stefanelli Memorial Award

Grilli, Angelo 2015 – Numismatic Art Award for Exvellence in Medalic Sculpture

Grove, Edward R. 1969 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Grove, Keith 2014 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

Grunthal, Henry 1970 – Medal of Merit

Guth, Ron 2006 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2014 – Numismatist of the Year

Hagerty, M.P. 2000 – Century Club Recipient

Haiderzad, Amanullah 2022 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Hall, Albert K. 1990 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Hallenbeck, Kenneth L. 1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1996 – Medal of Merit

1998 – Exemplary Service Award

1999 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2004 – Century Club Recipient

2008 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Hallenbeck, Thomas G. 2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2003 – Medal of Merit

2019 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Halperin, James L. 1980 – Century Club Recipient

1981 – Century Club Recipient

1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2000 – Century Club Recipient

2007 – Medal of Merit

Halsall, Mary 1994 – Outstanding Government Service Award

1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Hammer, Ted R. 1950 – Medal of Merit

Hancock, Virgil 1981 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Hansell, Dean 1969 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Hardin, Adlai 1982 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Harker, Charmy 2017 – Elvira Clain Stefanelli Memorial Award

2021 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Harper, David 1985 – Century Club Recipient

2002 – Medal of Merit

2007 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Harris, Dolly Maude 1962 – Medal of Merit

Harris, N. Neil 1980 – Medal of Merit

Hatie, George D. 1982 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1992 – Medal of Merit

1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1994 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Hausske, August F. 1957 – Medal of Merit

Hecht, Leonard 1979 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Heck, Charles 2023 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Heinrich, David 2010 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2016 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

Heinrich, Katie 2007 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Heller, Patrick A. 2012 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

2017 – Exemplary Service Award

2018 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Hendelson, Brian 2019 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Hendershott, Marjorie Owens 1986 – Medal of Merit

Hendershott, Robert L. 1986 – Medal of Merit

1993 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1997 – Lifetime Achievement Award

1998 – Numismatist of the Year

Henderson, William C. 1971 – Medal of Merit

1978 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Hendrickson, Leon 1990 – Medal of Merit

Hendin, David 2022 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Henry, Sonny 2013 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Herbert, Alan 1994 – Medal of Merit

2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Herdegen, Genevieve T. 1974 – Medal of Merit

Hershberger, Mrs. Kenneth 1968 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Hessler, Gene 1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1995 – Medal of Merit

2008 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2014 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Hewitt, Lee F. 1950 – Medal of Merit

1962 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Higby, Betty 1982 – Medal of Merit

Highfill, John W. 2019 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Hill, Sandy 2013 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2016 – Century Club Award

2019 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

2020 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

2022 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

2022 – Medal of Merit

Hoard, Kellen 2021 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Hoge, Robert W. 2012 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Holcomb, J. Eric 2003 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

2014 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2017 – Medal of Merit

2021 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Holmes, Roger 1999 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Holstein, Charles 1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Homren,Wayne 2008 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

2020 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Hoober, Richard T. 1964 – Medal of Merit

Hoover, Oliver 2020 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Horton, Jr., William H. 2007 – Century Club Award

2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Hoskins, Charles R. 1968 – Medal of Merit

Hotz, Mark B. 1975 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2003 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Howard, Clyde P. 1981 – Century Club Recipient

Howe, Laurence L. 1950 – Medal of Merit

Howsley, L.R. 1994 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Hubbard, Clyde 1976 – Medal of Merit

1983 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Hubbard, Jonathan 1998 – Century Club Recipient

Hunsicker, David 2023 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Hunt, Gregory 1991 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Hunt, James W. 2008 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Huntoon, Peter 2019 – Numismatist of the Year

Hurst, Bob 2009 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2022 – Medal of Merit

Huster, Victor 2020 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medalic Sculpture

Huybrechts, Paul 2021 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medalic Sculpture

Hynds, Gene R. 1983 – Medal of Merit

1997 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2004 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Hynds, Patricia 1993 – Medal of Merit

2004 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Inčirauskas, Romualdas 2023 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medalic Sculpture

Industry Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA) 2016 – Exemplary Service Award

Irick, Brett D. 2015 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2018 – Outstanding District Representative

Ivy, Steve 1981 – Century Club Recipient

1983 – Century Club Recipient

1984 – Century Club Recipient

Iwata, Roy T. 1996 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Jackson, Larry 1976 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Janssen, Virginia 1997 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Jennewein, C. Paul 1970 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Jensen, John P. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Johnson, Charles M. 1970 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1973 – Medal of Merit

Johnson, Jay 2007 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Johnson, Larry 2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Johnson, Paul R. 1972 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Jones, Anthony T. 1984 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Jones, Bob 2020 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Jones, Eldridge G. 1980 – Medal of Merit

Jones, Elizabeth 1972 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

1991 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Jones, F.A. 1972 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Jovine, Marcel 1987 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Jozefiak, Richard 2004 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2009 – Outstanding District Representative

2010 – Outstanding District Representative

2011 – Medal of Merit

2011 – Century Club Recipient

2014 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Excellence

Judd, Dr. J.  Hewitt 1948 – Medal of Merit

1955 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Julian, Robert W. 2002 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

2012 – Numismatist of the Year

Kagin, Arthur M. 1983 – Medal of Merit

1984 – Century Club Recipient

1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2000 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Kagin, Donald 1984 – Century Club Recipient

2002 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2018 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

Kaplan, Sol 1962 – Medal of Merit

Kampmann, Ursula 2015 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Karoleff, Bradley Steven 2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2013 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year 

Karlson, Geneva 1973 – Medal of Merit

Katen, Frank 1978 – Medal of Merit

Katen, Laurese 1978 – Medal of Merit

Kaufman, Miko 1978 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Keene, Andrew 2010 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Kelley, Evie 1973 – Medal of Merit

Kern, Jonathan K. 2021 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Ketterling, Don 2023 – Medal of Merit

Kiefer, Cameron 2002 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Kirka, Sally 1971 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Kiselewski, Joseph 1981 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Klein, Harold R. 1954 – Medal of Merit

Kochel, Gerald L. 1980 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2002 – Medal of Merit

Koenig, Ross 2024 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Kolbe, George F. 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2019 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Koppenhaver, Paul L. 1989 – Medal of Merit

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Kortjohn, Martin F. 1947 – Medal of Merit

Kosoff, Abe 1958 – Medal of Merit

1972 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Kraljevich, John 1993 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2011 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2016 – Numismatist of the Year

2018 – Medal of Merit

Kraus, Ernst 1954 – Medal of Merit

Krause, Chester L. 1967 – Medal of Merit

1977 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1994 – Lifetime Achievement Award

1999 – Numismatist of the Year

2005 – Exemplary Service Award

2009 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Krause Publications  2000 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Kriz, Robert F. 1979 – Medal of Merit

Krueger, Kurt R. 1971 – Young Numismatist of the Year

1980 – Century Club Recipient

Kuntz, G. Lee 2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Kuntz, Joyce 2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Kuritzky, Simcha L. 2014 – Glenn Smedley Memoral Award

2023 – Medal of Merit

Laetare, Robert 2005 – Outstanding Club Representative

Landis, Ron 2000 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2003 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Lange, David W. 2009 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2017 – Numismatist of the Year

2023 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Langham, Ralph 1991 – Medal of Merit

Lathrop, Gertrude 1973 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Leatherman, A. H. 1958 – Medal of Merit

Lebo, Jerry 2003 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Lee, Larry L. 2018 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year Award

Leidman, Julian 2009 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

2017 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Lemke, Robert F. 1980 – Century Club Recipient

1981 – Century Club Recipient

1983 – Century Club Recipient

1985 – Century Club Recipient

Lenker, John E. 1992 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Lenker, Kay Edgerton 1992 – Outstanding District Delegate Award 

2003 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2016 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2022 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award

Lester, Kevin 2023 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Levy, Cliff 1984 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Lewis, Gary E. 1979 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2007 – Century Club Award

2022 – Medal of Merit

Lhotka Jr., Dr. John F. 1959 – Medal of Merit

1961 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Licaretz, Jim 2008 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Lighterman, Mark 2002 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2012 – Medal of Merit

2015 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Award for Excellence

2016 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2017 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award 

2018 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2021 – Century Club Recipient

Lighterman, Myrna 2008 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2012 – Medal of Merit

2016 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Lighthouse, John C. 1996 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Lighthouse Family  2003 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Lindheim, Leon T. 2004 – Century Club Recipient

Lis, Akio 1998 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Lisot, David 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Lloyd, Margaret 1982 – Medal of Merit

Lloyd, Robert H. 2001 – Medal of Merit

Loebe, Bernard 2013 – Outstanding District Delegate Award (posthumously)

Loos, Lisa 2010 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Loos, Scott 2000 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

2010 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Lopez, Theodore 1980 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Lopez Esq., John 1998 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Lopresto, Samuel L. 1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

  1994 – Medal of Merit

Lumpkin, Richard 1970 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Lyle, Charles K. 1975 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Lyon, Greg 1989 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2005 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2021 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Mabbott, Thomas O. 1950 – Medal of Merit

Maccione, Stan 2005 – Exemplary Service Award

Macfarlane, Ronald I. 2021 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

2023 – Outstanding District Representative

2024 – Century Club Award

Maisch, Cheryl 1985 – Medal of Merit

1990 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Maisch, Robert 1975 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1985 – Medal of Merit

1990 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Majoros, Jim 2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2007 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2008 – Medal of Merit

MaloneBeach, James 2013 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Mankowski, Bruno 1980 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Manley, Dwight 2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2005 – Medal of Merit

2024 – Chester Krause Memorial Distinguished Service Award

Manley, Sahar 2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Marshall, Peter Rexford 1996 – Century Club Recipient

Marshall III, Virg 1990 – Century Club Recipient

1991 – Century Club Recipient

Martin, Chester 1993 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Martin, Deborah 1973 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Martin, Doris 1966 – Medal of Merit

Martin, J.P. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Martin, Mack 2022 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Mason, Walt 1972 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Massey, David 1986 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Mather Jr., George A. 1968 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Mayo, Vir Den 1971 – Medal of Merit

McArthur, Robert G. 1962 – Medal of Merit

McBride, Pat 2018 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2022 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

McCarthy, David J. 2015 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2018 – Numismatist of the Year

McDonald, Douglas B. 1986 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

McTurk, Barbara 1993 – Outstanding Government Service Award

McWherter, Mark K. 1996 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

1998 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

Medlar, Robert 1977 – Medal of Merit

Mellor,  Robert J. 2021 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

2021 – Outstanding District Representative

2022 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2023 – Century Club Award

Menchell, David 2020 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Menconi, Ralph 1971 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture 

Mercanti, John Michael 1998 – Outstanding Government Service Award

2001 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Merrill, Bob 1981 – Century Club Recipient

1983 – Century Club Recipient

1984 – Century Club Recipient

Meszaros, Michael 2011 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Michigan State Numismatic

Society 1994 – Exemplary Service Award

Mid-American Rare Coin Galleries

(Jeff and Mary Lynn Garrett) 2022 – Dealer Booster Award

Middleton, Steven 2006 – Medal of Merit

Miller, Harold T. 2007 – Century Club Award

Miller, James L. 1979 – Medal of Merit

1990 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1994 – Century Club Recipient

Mincheva, Ivanka 2010 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Minshull, Lee 1977 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2014 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year Award

Mishler, Clifford L. 1980 – Century Club Recipient

1981 – Century Club Recipient

1983 – Medal of Merit

1984 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1989 – Century Club Recipient

1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1997 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2002 – Numismatist of the Year

2005 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Mitchell, Ralph C. 1964 – Medal of Merit

Moon, Donna 2024 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Moore, Purnie 1987 – Medal of Merit

Morgan, Charles 2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Morgan, Jerry L. 2002 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2003 – Medal of Merit

Mosher, Stuart 1953 – Medal of Merit

Moss, Col. Joseph 1947 – Medal of Merit

1953 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Mulvaney, Thomas 2006 – Medal of Merit

2010 – Exemplary Service Award

2011 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Munoz, Miguel L. 1979 – Medal of Merit

Murback, John 1980 – Century Club Recipient

Murphy, Judith 1996 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1998 – Medal of Merit

Murray, Col. William B. 1991 – Medal of Merit

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Nachbar, Richard N. 2007 – Century Club Award

Nakashima, Mashiko 2012 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Nakata, Larry 2003 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Nathan, Philip R. 1985 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Nebel, John 2010 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2012 – Medal of Merit

2018 – Adna G. Wilde, Jr. Memorial Award for Excellence

Nettleship Jr., Charles F. 1950 – Medal of Merit

Newell, Floyd B.  1950 – Medal of Merit

Newman, Eric P. 1964 – Medal of Merit

1969 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1993 – Exemplary Service Award

1996 – Numismatist of the Year

1997 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2001 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Nikolov, Bogomil 2016 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

North, William N. 1961 – Medal of Merit

Nottleman, Michael 2022 – Century Club Recipient

Nugent III, William H. 1997 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

1999 – Century Club Recipient

1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) 2023 – Dealer Booster Award

Nye, Allen 1989 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Oberth, Robert 2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Ogilvie, Jack W. 1953 – Medal of Merit

1964 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Olanoff, Mark 2009 – Oustanding Government Service Award

Opitz, Charles 1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Orosz, Joel J. 2021 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Orzano, Michele 2015 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award 

Ostromecki Jr., Walter A. 1989 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1995 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

1996 – Medal of Merit

1997 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2000 – Exemplary Service Award

2015 – Century Club Award

2019 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

2020 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Otis, Louis M. 1968 – Medal of Merit

Overton, Albert C. 1967 – Medal of Merit

Pacific Northwest Numismatic Assocation (PNNA) 2015 – Exemplary Service Award

Panosh, Leonel C. 1955 – Medal of Merit

1965 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Parker, Berta 1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Parsons, Gary 2020 – Outstanding District Representative

Passic, Frank 2017 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Pasvolsky, Valentine 1975 – Medal of Merit

1969 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Paonessa, Jason 2016 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Paonessa, Joseph 2021 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Paul, William P. 2004 – Century Club Recipient

Pearlman, Donn 1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1996 – Medal of Merit

1999 – Exemplary Service Award

2015 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2017 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Pennell, J. Roy 1985 – Medal of Merit

Perrault, Justin 1999 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Peterson, Paula Ann 1972 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Philpott Jr., William A. 1965 – Medal of Merit

Pickens, David 2000 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Pike, Gayle 2010 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Piret, Diane 2002 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2005 – Medal of Merit

2009 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2014 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award

Pittman, John Jay 1962 – Medal of Merit

1980 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1994 – Lifetime Achievement Award

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Pobjoy, Derek 1992 – Medal of Merit

Pond, June T. 1952 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Pope, Donna 1991 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Potter, Bruce 2001 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

Powell, Hannah R.S. 2012 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Powills, Michael A. 1955 – Medal of Merit

Pradeau, Alberto F. 1969 – Medal of Merit

Precker, Richard 1995 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Price, Herbert W. 1972 – Medal of Merit

Professional Numismatist Guild 1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Quagliana, Ed 1974 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Rare Coin Wholesalers 2018 – Dealer Booster Award

Rau,  William G. 2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2008 – Medal of Merit

Reagan, Lewis M. 1948 – Medal of Merit

1954 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Real, Tito 1995 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Reback, Marilyn 1994 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Reed, Hal 1999 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Reinders, James 2013 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

2017 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Reinders, Katie 2013 –Young Numismatist of the Year

Reiter, Ed 1997 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1998 – Medal of Merit

2014 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Reiver, Julius 1989 – Medal of Merit

Rettew, Joel D. 2002 – Century Club Award

2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2011 – Medal of Merit

Ricard, Charles J. 1991 – Medal of Merit

1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1996 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2003 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Riley, John 2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Roach, Steve R. 1997 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2016 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Excellence

2016 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2023 – Century Club Award

2023 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

2024 – Medal of Merit

Roach, Steven 2015 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Roach, Terri 1974 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Roberts, Gilroy 1967 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Robins, Trevor D. 1991 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Robins, William 2008 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Rochette, Edward C. 1972 – Medal of Merit

1987 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1999 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2003 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

2003 – Numismatist of the Year

Rockman, Matthew V. 1992 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Rockwell, Thomas P. 2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Rogers Sr., Thomas D. 2001 – Outstanding Government Service Award

2000 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Romines, Delma 1981 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Roosmalen, Len 1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Ross, Ralph 1989 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1994 – Medal of Merit

2023 – Century Club Award

2024 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

Rossman, Will 1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Rothert, Matt H. 1960 – Medal of Merit

1973 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Rothfeld, Dany 2015 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Rottinghaus, Scott T. 1988 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2009 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2017 – Medal of Merit

2018 – Outstanding Adult Advisor Award

Rouleau, Blake B. 2001 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Rowe, Kathy 2002 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Rowe, Lawrence E. 2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2002 – Medal of Merit

Royal Canadian Mint   1989 – Medal of Merit

Ruby, Charles L. 1950 – Medal of Merit

Rulau, Russell 1994 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1995 – Medal of Merit

2000 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Russell, Ian 2023 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

Russell, Margo 1967 – Medal of Merit

1975 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1980 – Century Club Recipient

1981 – Century Club Recipient

1982 – Century Club Recipient

1983 – Century Club Recipient

1993 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2004 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Ryan, C.H. 1948 – Medal of Merit

Safran, Arno M. 2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Salzberg, Mark 2006 – Numismatist of the Year

2019 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year

Sammut, Kenny 2019 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2023 – Century Club Award

Sanders, Mitch 2024 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Sarosi, John Paul 2004 – Century Club Recipient

Sauvain, Mary E. 2000 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2011 – Medal of Merit

Saxton, Burton H.  1950 – Medal of Merit

1958 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Sayles, Wayne 2012 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Schafluetzel, Dennis 2001 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

2008 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2016 – Outstanding District Representative

Schenewerk, Cole 2009 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Schenkman, David 2003 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2007 – Medal of Merit

2012 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2013 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2022 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Schill, Earl C. 1961 – Medal of Merit

Schmidt, Shanna 2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Schook, Florence M. 1973 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1974 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1976 – Medal of Merit

1985 – Century Club Recipient

1994 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1995 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Schulz, Richard 2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Schwan, Carlton F. 2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2014 – Medal of Merit

2015 – Numismatist of the Year

Schwartz, Max M. 1947 – Medal of Merit

Schwenker III, Carl 2005 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Sear, David 2010 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Segel, Joseph M. 1974 – Medal of Merit

Shafer, Neil 1990 – Medal of Merit

1993 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2007 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2014 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Shaffer, John A. 1967 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Shagin, Alex 1990 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Sheehan, Thomas W. 1994 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Sheheen Jr., Austin M. 1983 – Medal of Merit

Sheldon, M. Vernon 1948 – Medal of Merit

1951 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Sheldon, Marcella L. 1952 – Medal of Merit

Sheldon, William H. 1952 – Medal of Merit

Sherer, Don 1960 – Medal of Merit

1971 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Shroyer, C.C. 1959 – Medal of Merit

Sieber, Arlyn 1983 – Century Club Recipient

Sigler, P.O. 1959 – Medal of Merit

Singer, Murray G. 1981 – Century Club Recipient

1993 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Sipe, Arthur 1962 – Medal of Merit

Sklow, David J. 2003 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2008 – Century Club Recipient

2013 – Medal of Merit

Slabaugh, Arlie 1991 – Medal of Merit

1997 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2004 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Smedley, Glenn B. 1953 – Medal of Merit

1960 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Smies, John 1982 – Medal of Merit

Smith, Albert 1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Smith, Karen 2008 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Smith, Peter C. 2016 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Snow, Richard E. 2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2010 – Numismatist of the Year

2024 – Dealer of the Year

Somogyi, Marika 1989 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Souder, Peyton 2014 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Southward, Walt 1992 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Spangenberger, Henry G. 1980 – Medal of Merit

Spengler, William F. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1999 – Medal of Merit

Sperber, Laura 2015 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Spiegel, Max B. 2005 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Spiegel, Sam 2006 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Stack, Harvey G. 1997 – Numismatist of the Year

Stack Family  1982 – Medal of Merit

2010 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Stafford, April 2006 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Stanley, Michael M. 1998 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1999 – Medal of Merit

Stanton, J.T. 1992 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1997 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2000 – Medal of Merit

Stearns, Radford 2004 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Steever, IV, Edward 1996 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Stevens-Sollman, Jeanne L. 2007 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Stitely, Pam 2024 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

Stoutjesdyk, James 1987 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2021 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Stuppler, Barry S. 2004 – Century Club Recipient

2011 – Exemplary Service Award

Stutzman, Barbara 1985 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Sundman, David M. 1997 – Century Club Recipient

1997 – Exemplary Service Award

2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2003 – Medal of Merit

2016 – Harry J. Forman Dealer of the Year Award

Sureck, Jake B. 1969 – Medal of Merit

Suthers, Marguerite 1975 – Medal of Merit

Swanson, Jerry 1996 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

Swiatek, Anthony J. 1983 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1990 – Medal of Merit

1998 – Century Club Recipient

2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2002 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2016 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Swiatek, Gloria R. 2003 – Century Club Award

Swicer, Tony 2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2014 – Outstanding District Representative

2015 – Medal of Merit

Swindling, Jeffrey 2003 – Young Numismatist of the Year

2005 – Century Club Award

2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2008 – Oustanding District Representative

2009 – Medal of Merit

2011 – Adult Advisor of the Year

2012 – Oustanding District Representative

2016 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

2022 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Memorial Award for Exemplary Service

Szasz, Merlin 2009 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Taylor, James 1995 – Medal of Merit

Taylor, Stephen R. 1991 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1997 – Medal of Merit

Tebben, Gerald 2018 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Terranova, Anthony 1994 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1998 – Medal of Merit

2011 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2017 – Harry Forman Dealer of the Year

Terry, Leo G. 1960 – Medal of Merit

Theumer, Carsten 2018 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Tiesheng, Professor Li 2006 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Tipka, Vernon 1988 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Tippett, James M. 2000 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

Todd, George M. 1962 – Medal of Merit

Torres, Anna Maria Cross de 1987 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Torres, Esteban E. 1993 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Travers, Scott A. 1978 – Young Numismatist of the Year

1984 – Adult Advisor of the Year

1992 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2016 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

2017 – Century Club Recipient

Travis, Gar 1995 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2004 – Century Club Recipient

Tucker, Dennis 2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2024 – Medal of Merit

Tumonis, Anthony 1993 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

2001 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2002 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

Turoff, Julius 1993 – Medal of Merit

Turrini, Michael S. 1989 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1998 – Medal of Merit

2003 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

2004 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Uram, Thomas J. 2019 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2020 – Medal of Merit

2022 – Chester Krause Memorial Distinguished Service Award

Urce, Roger 2018 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Vagi, David L. 2021 – Numismatist of the Year

Van Alfen, Peter 2019 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Van Allen, Leroy Catlin 2007 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Van Draanen, Chris 1999 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Van Grover, J.J. 1996 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1998 – Medal of Merit

Van Ryzin, Robert R. 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Van Vliet, Alan 2003 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Verani, Patricia 1995 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Villalpando, Louis C. 2000 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2001 – Medal of Merit

Vincze, Paul 1966 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Vitale, Philip 2024 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Wacks, Mel 2022 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Wallin, Gary 1985 – Century Club Recipient

Walton, Gerome 2016 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Wartenberg, Ute 2024 – Burnett Anderson Memorial Award

Wastweet, Heidi 2024 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Weinberg, Fred 2003 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2004 – Medal of Merit

2022 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Weinman, Robert 1975 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Weinschel, Moe 1995 – Medal of Merit

2001 – Exemplary Service Award

Weiss, Adolf 1982 – Adult Advisor of the Year

Werner, Louis S. 1948 – Medal of Merit

1959 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Western Publishing Company 1990 – Medal of Merit

Wetterstrom, Kerry K. 2006 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2010 – Medal of Merit

2019 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Award for Excellence

2021 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Whelan, Michael 1978 – Adult Advisor of the Year

White, Gordon 1995 – Adult Advisor of the Year

White, Harlan 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Whitman Publishing 2012 – Exemplary Service Award

2019 – Dealer Booster Award

2020 – Dealer Booster Award

2023 – Dealer Booster Award

Whitnah, Paul R. 1978 – Medal of Merit

1992 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2005 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Wibker, Cindy  1996 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1997 – Medal of Merit

2002 – Exemplary Service Award

2018 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award for Distinguished Service

Wiener, Gerta 1998 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Wilde Jr., Adna G.  1985 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

1991 – Exemplary Service Award

1991 – Medal of Merit

1998 – Lifetime Achievement Award

2005 – Century Club Award

2005 – Numismatist of the Year

2008 – Adna G. Wilde Jr. Award for Excellence

Williams, Debbie L. 2005 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

2013 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Williams, Marjorie 1953 – Medal of Merit

Williams, Raymond J. 2007 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Wilson, John W. 1993 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1994 – Medal of Merit

2001 – Century Club Award

2003 – Century Club Award

2007 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2014 – Century Club Award

2015 – Century Club Award

Wilson, Nancy 1995 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1997 – Medal of Merit

2003 – Century Club Award

2007 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

2014 – Century Club Award

2015 – Century Club Award

2024 – Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Memorial Award

Windner, Julius 1947 – Medal of Merit

Winter, Doug 2024 – Numismatist of the Year 

Winter, Ralph 2023 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Wisslead, Elizabeth 1982 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1988 – Medal of Merit

Wisslead, William O. 1979 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1988 – Medal of Merit

Withrow, Mary Ellen 1995 – Outstanding Government Service Award

Wolf, Carl 1989 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2015 – Medal of Merit

Wolfe, Charles H. 1981 – Medal of Merit

1986 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Wolka, Wendell 2013 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

2023 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Worth, Karen 1977 – Numismatic Art Award for Excellence in Medallic Sculpture

Wright, John D. 2015 – Lifetime Achievement Award

Yahalom, Jerry 1995 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Yahalom, Mary 1995 – Outstanding District Delegate Award

1999 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

Yegparian, Vicken 1995 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Yeoman, Richard S. 1952 – Medal of Merit

1956 – Farran Zerbe Memorial Award

Young, Donald 1988 – Outstanding Club Representative Award

1994 – Glenn Smedley Memorial Award

1999 – Medal of Merit

1999 – Outstanding Regional Coordinator Award

2004 – Century Club Recipient

Youngblood, John T. “Tom” 2021 – John & Nancy Wilson Member Booster Award

2023 – Century Club Award

Zechman, Abby 2018 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Zelinski, Joe 2023 – Outstanding Adult Advisor

Ziss, Garrett 2020 – Young Numismatist of the Year

Zuckerman, Matt 1990 – Young Numismatist of the Year

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