Clubs can arrange meetings at ANA show in Philadelphia

November 2, 1999 By ekr

Clubs can arrange meetings at ANA show in Philadelphia
The American Numismatic Association (ANA) Convention Department is accepting requests from member clubs and affiliated organizations for meeting space at the ANA’s 2000 World’s Fair of Money in Philadelphia, Aug. 9-13.

Club meetings will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, site of the show’s bourse and exhibits.

Clubs and organizations that have met inconjunction with past ANA conventions will all recieve a meeting reservation form in the mail. For group’s that conducted meetings at last summer’s convention in Chicago, the Convention Department will attempt to hold the same day of the week, time and meeting-room size until notice of confirmation or cancellation is recieved. 

The ANA will try to accomodate clubs to the best of it’s ability. However, space is limited, and clubs should contact the Convention Department as soon as possible to reserve a meeting time. 

To avoid conflicts that might arise from the abundance of club meetings conducted in the early morning or evening, meetings can also be scheduled during bourse hours. 

The ANA has arranged for airfare discounts of 10-15 percent on United Airlines, the official airline for the World’s Fair of Money in Philadelphia. The same discounts are available for those attending the ANA’s two-session Summer Seminar, July 1-14 and Long Beach Expos in February, June and October of next year. To make reservations, call United Airlines at 800/521-4041 or M&M World Travel Service at 800/426/8326, and refer to Meeting ID #581 CK for the appropriate discount. 

Originally Release Date: Nov. 2, 1999
ANA Contacts: Phone: (719) 482-9872

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