Darryl Davis recieves ANA Government Service Award

August 1, 2003 By ekr

Darryl Davis recieves ANA Government Service Award

The American Numismatic Association (ANA) presented its Out standing Government Service Award to Darryl Davis on August 1 during the ANA World’s Fair of Money in Baltimore. First conferred in 1991, the ANA Outstanding Government Service Award is presented to an individual working in or retired from public service who has helped advance the interests of the hobby.

Conventions manager for the United States Mint since 1996, Davis has welcomed the public and collectors at more than 100 conventions. His career at the Mint began in 1990, when he was hired as a customer care representative. In 1993 he was promoted to marketing specialist, where he experienced his first taste of trade and banking shows.

Says Davis, “In my 13 years with the United States Mint, I have enjoyed meeting the public and helping them see what we are all about.”

In presenting its Outstanding Government Service Award, the American Numismatic Association expresses the sincere appreciation of its members to Darryl Davis.

Originally Release Date: August 1, 2003
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
                            Email: pr@money.org
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