Educational Opportunities Take Center Stage at Fort Worth National Money Show

January 5, 2010 By ekr

Educational Opportunities Take Center Stage at Fort Worth National Money Show 

Visitors to the 2010 National Money Show™, March 25-27 at the Fort Worth Convention Center, are encouraged to get involved in a wide range of educational programs. The show offers in-depth seminars, free programs and lectures on a wide range of topics, and workshops for Boy and Girl Scouts looking to earn collecting awards.

The following is a list of educational offerings in Fort Worth: Seminars (registration required)
• Coin Conservation, Authentication and Grading – March 22-24, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Three-day seminar emphasizing the most essential numismatic skills for collectors of any level. Digital presentation, open discussion and hands-on coin examination. Instructor: Brian Silliman, current NGC grader and former assistant director of operations for NGC. 
ANA Member Price: $249 through March 1; $269 after.
• When Texas was Tejas: Money Before the Alamo – March 27, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 
Before Texas there was Tejas, when Mexico owned the land that is now the Lone Star State. Mexican Tejas coinage was born into the hard times of war. Review the coinage of Mexican Independence, the short-lived Empire of Iturbide, counterstamps, and the popular Liberty Cap and Rays series. Students will explore the period from 1805 to 1836. Instructor: Ricardo de León Tallavas, expert in Mexican coinage.
ANA Member Price: $119 through March 1; $139 after.
Free Classes & Workshops (pre-registration requested)
• Boy Scout Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop & Girl Scout Fun with Money
Patch Workshop – March 27, 9:30-11:30 a.m. (Girl Scouts) and 10 a.m.-noon
(Boy Scouts); check-in is one half-hour before both workshops. Boy and Girl Scouts can earn their specific collecting awards at on-site workshops led by trained counselors and leading numismatists. To register, email Steve Lehr at Include troop number, scoutname and rank of scout.
• Coin Collecting Basics – March 27, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Consumer awareness, grading, proper storage, handling and preservation.Numismatics can be confusing – especially when you are new to the hobby! Learn the nuances of coins, paper money, tokens and medals and how tocollect smart for the future. Instructor: Rod Gillis, ANA numismatic educator.Free Programs & Lectures (no registration required)
• Numismatic Theatre – March 26-27
30-40 minute programs on a wide range of topics and featuring some of the most noted experts in the hobby. For times, check back to the online
“Schedule of Events,” or the Convention Program at the show. To submit a Numismatic Theatre proposal, e-mail
• Coin Collecting 101 – throughout the show on the bourse stage.
Learn the basics of starting and caring for a coin collection during these informal 30-minute educational presentations

To register for an educational offering in Fort Worth, call 719-482-9857, e-mail or visit

The National Money Show is open to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. Dealer set-up will be from noon to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 24. Admission is $6 for adults and free for ANA members and children 12 and under. John Post is the event’s general chairman. The Fort Worth Coin Club, Northeast Tarrant Coin Club and Texas Numismatic Association are the host clubs, and the Dallas Coin Club and Mid Cities Coin Club are the honorary host clubs. Heritage Auction Galleries is the official auction company. For more information, visit

Originally Release Date: January 5, 2010
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9814
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