First fall National Money Show welcomes 4,000 visitors

October 24, 2011 By ekr

First fall National Money Show welcomes 4,000 visitors

The American Numismatic Association welcomed 4,027 visitors during the inaugural fall National Money Show, Oct. 13-15, in Pittsburgh.

The bourse heated up over the course of the show, with 765 visitors on Oct. 13, 938 on Oct. 14, and 1,521 on Oct. 15. Attendees were welcomed by more than 800 ANA and Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists member dealers.

“We had nearly as many visitors on Saturday as the previous two days combined,” ANA President Tom Hallenbeck said. “The show started out slow, but it ended with a large upswing.”

The fall show’s attendance rivaled the spring National Money Show in Sacramento, which saw more than 4,600 attendees. However, the fall show presented an additional 40,000 square feet of bourse space and an additional 50 dealer tables.

In Pittsburgh, the Association enrolled 140 new members, including basic (online), regular and life memberships. Nearly 350 students, including 189 Boy and Girl Scouts, took part in workshops, the ANA Kids Zone and Treasure Trivia.

“With the impressive Museum Showcase, the wide variety of activities as well as access to knowledgeable dealers, the ANA presented collectors with a wonderful experience,” Hallenbeck said. “Our shows account for our biggest public outreach and are an integral part of our educational mission.

Originally Release Date: October 24, 2011
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9814
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