Graham Dyer recieves ANA Government Service Award

August 2, 2002 By ekr

Graham Dyer recieves ANA Government Service Award

The American Numismatic Association (ANA) presents its Outstanding Government Service Award in recognition of efforts to advance numismatics in the previous 12 months. First conferred in 1991, the ANA Outstanding Government Service Award is presented to an individual working in or retired from public service who has helped advance the interests of the hobby.

The 2002 award recipient is Graham Dyer, O.B.E. (Officer of the Order of the British Empire), whose career with the British Royal Mint began at the age of 18. Almost 40 years later, his enthusiasm for his job and his employer still is very alive, as he maintains the position of curator and librarian of the Royal Mint.

Dyer has labored lovingly in his preparation of exhibits, authenticating coins for collectors, and responding to questions from scholars, collectors and the general public. During his tenure, the British Royal Mint cabinet has benefited greatly from Dyer’s natural collecting abilities, as well as from his top-notch reputation. The Royal Mint curator says, “There is no question that the biggest challenge in recent years has been to find enough hours in the day.”

First introduced to coins as a young boy, when he found a William and Mary farthing, Dyer today possesses an encyclopedic knowledge, which he loves to share with visiting scholars. He joined the staff of the Royal Mint in August 1961 at the age of 18, and it was not long before his enthusiasm and wide knowledge of coins was impressing his colleagues. It was not surprising that two years later, he was named curator. Four years into his new position, Dyer was given leave to attend university, where he earned a degree in Economics.

Currently Dyer is vice president of the British Association of Numismatic Societies and served as president of the British Numismatic Society for five years. He always has sought and valued the good opinion of his fellow numismatists. Last year, Queen Elizabeth II appointed him O.B.E. for his services to numismatics,

In presenting its Outstanding Government Service Award, the American Numismatic Association expresses the sincere appreciation of its members to Graham Dyer.

Originally Release Date: August 2, 2002
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
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