John Albanese and Whitman Publishing Offer ANA Clubs Complimentary Book by Q. David Bowers

May 3, 2007 By ekr

John Albanese and Whitman Publishing Offer ANA Clubs Complimentary Book by Q. David Bowers 

Renowned numismatist John Albanese and Whitman Publishing have offered all American Numismatic Association member clubs a complimentary copy of Q. David Bowers’ book, Obsolete Paper Money Issued by Banks in the United States, 1782-1866. This extraordinary offer is one of many worthwhile numismatic efforts Albanese has initiated. 

In 2006 Whitman published Bowers’ 608-page Obsolete Paper Money Issued by Banks in the United States, 1782–1866, which tells of paper money, banking, the American scene, and many other fascinating numismatic topics of the era. This beautiful and informative book—illustrated in full color, hardbound, and large-format—has been very popular. It’s a perfect book for a club library or to share with other members. 

“I am absolutely delighted with John Albanese’s magnificent offer to give a free copy of my book to coin clubs,” said Bowers. “Hopefully, the members of the clubs will enjoy passing around the book. It seems to have struck a very responsive chord with just about everyone interested in paper money, and reviews and comments have been very kind.” 

Originally Release Date: May 3, 2007
ANA Contacts: Phone:719-482-9814
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