Mark Hotz commended as Outstanding Adult Advisor

August 2, 2003 By ekr

Mark Hotz commended as Outstanding Adult Advisor

Each year, the American Numismatic Association (ANA) recognizes with its Outstanding Adult Advisor Award a member whose work in encouraging and assisting young numismatists (YNs) is particularly noteworthy. At the ANA’s 2003 Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, Mark Hotz of Brooklandville, Maryland, was honored as this year’s recipient.

As a youngster, Hotz tired of “collecting a lot of the same coins and sticking them in books.” Studying ancient Roman coins at age 10 propelled his passion for history. “To me, the whole idea of numismatics was, and still is, the ‘history in your hands’ part. I settled into paper money in the last nine years because it’s an area not many people know about.” While Hotz continues to enjoy ancient coins, he notes that “just when you think you have something rare, some guy with a metal detector digs up 9,000 of them in Bulgaria.”

Hotz, a former ANA Young Numismatist of the Year, is a seasoned chaperone at the Association’s Summer Seminars. He also instructs seminar classes in his specialty–National Bank notes. Many a young collector has benefitted from his counsel and leadership.

In presenting this Outstanding Adult Advisor Award to Mark Hotz, the American Numismatic Association expresses the sincere appreciation of its members for his service.

Originally Release Date: August 2, 2003
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
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