Eugene Daub is a native of Pittsburgh, PA, where he was an art director for print media before making the switch to join the staff of the Franklin Mint in eastern Pennsylvania. He studied under Evangelos Frudakis, and soon after he was teaching figurative sculpture at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art

He is a Fellow of the National Sculpture Society and was a founding member of the American Medallic Sculpture Association. Daub continues to design medals and has completed over forty monumental sculptures, most notably a Lewis and Clark group in Kansas City, Rosa Parks for Statuary Hall at the U.S. Capitol and a large bas relief for the Montana State House, in addition to figurative groups for several California churches and cemeteries.

He was awarded the Saltus Award for excellence in medallic sculpture by the American Numismatic Society in 1991. Daub has been giving sculpture workshops for over 25 years at the Scottsdale Artists School, Brookgreen Gardens and other art centers across the country.




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