Money Talks need scriptwriters

December 20, 1999 By ekr

Money Talks need scriptwriters
New scripts are needed for Money Talks, the American Numismatic Association’s (ANA) daily radio program on the history and lore of money.

Aired worldwide Monday through Friday on National Public Radio, National Business Radio, and Armed Forces Radio stations, each 2 1/2- minute program is devoted to a single topic. The programs can be purchased on audiocassette or CD, and the transcripts are posted on the ANA’s Web site ( Transcripts also are available on request free of charge to listeners. In addition, listeners can purchase a collection of scripts published in a 266-page, softcover volume for $10.95 (plus $5 postage and handling) from the ANA Moneymarket store, 800/367-9723.

Scripts are limited only by the writer’s creativity, varying from how this day in history is celebrated in numismatics to consumer protection, numismatic lore and hobby personalities. Scripts should be typed and approximately 275 to 300 words in length. Scriptwriters will recieve a byline and $30 for every new script that is aired. 

For complete guidelines and a sample script, or to propose topics for particular dates, contact the ANA Education Department, 818 North Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, Co., 80903-3279; telephone 719/634-2646; fax 719/634-4085; E-mail; World Wide Web

Originally Release Date: December 20, 1999
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
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