My Coin’s Story: My 1939 penny

December 15, 2014 By ekr

**Every day this week we will highlight submissions from the My Coin’s Story Young writing contest. Young Numismatists were asked to write a historical fiction story based on a favorite coin. The winners will be revealed on the blog on Friday, Dec. 19. 

By  Ephram Cukier

My penny from 1939 is really cool. It is 76 approaching 77 years old! Now thats old. That is older than my grandpa! Let me tell you the story about the penny. 

It started in 1950 when my grandpa got a penny. He won it in a game of marbles with a bunch of other coins. He kept this one because he was missing it for his collection. This penny was his favorite coin ever.

Later he was saving up his pennies to buy a toy. He was one penny short. So he used his beloved penny. Before he spent his penny he took a photo of it so it will always be with him. After he spent it he hoped it would one day could come back to him and his family.

And one day it did. It came to me. I was collecting wheat pennies my friend had one. I paid him a quarter to get it. later i saw it was the penny my grandpa always hoped he could get back. When I showed it to him he told me to keep it and pass it down the family and have it be in his family, forever. 

1939 s lincoln cent obverse
lincoln wheat cent reverse
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