My Coin’s Story: The Life of an 1847 Penny

December 18, 2014 By ekr


**Every day this week we will highlight submissions from the My Coin’s Story Young writing contest. Young Numismatists were asked to write a historical fiction story based on a favorite coin. The winners will be revealed on the blog on Friday, Dec. 19. 

By Samuel

My coin is
an 1847 P Braided Hair Liberty Head
Large Cent Piece. This coin is in F-12 grade with relatively sharp details.
Despite obvious erosion from being buried underground, the penny is still
intriguing. It has obviously seen a lot situations, from the ground to the
case. I purchased it two years ago at Hallenbeck Coin Gallery, the coin store
in downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado. While more serious collectors may shun
the penny for its low grade, I find its history fascinating.


The story of this
penny’s life begins along with 6,183,668 others in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
during September of 1847. The mintage was not a puny number at the time, as
most other dates were made in diminutive numbers. The batch of change which
contained my coin was distributed to drug stores throughout Philadelphia. Since
the stores had not received new change for a few months, the brilliant copper
piece stood out among the other faded, dirty currency which had been passed
from hand to hand and pocket to pocket. The boy who worked at one of these
drugstores after school noticed the bag of new coins sitting upon the counter.
When he took the coins out of the sack, he could not help noticing how
brilliant and polished the new coins looked next to the old ones. After working
his shift, he traded the new piece for an old one that had been his pocket and
headed home. He admired the new coin and carried it with him for many years as
a symbol of good luck. In fact, by the time he married, he still had the coin.


In 1861, during the
rebellious outbreak of the American Civil War, the man volunteered to fight for
the Union. After showing leadership and confidence during battle, he was
promoted to commander of his battalion. Still carrying the penny from his
childhood, he and his group advanced into the Battle of Lone Jack on August 15,
1862. Confident that he needed no reinforcements, the battle began. Although
the North started the battle well, the situation quickly became worse. In an
effort to retreat, the commander was shot, causing him to fall off his horse.
Sadly, he died. After preserving the coin for fifteen years, it fell out of his
pocket and to the ground as his body was being carried away. The coin remained
on the battlefield, sinking into the earth during rain storms. It remained in
the soil for thirty years. 


One fresh spring day in
1892, a successful builder was coming out to a piece of property to take an
appraisal. While walking across a field, he noticed a spot on the ground that
was different color than the area surrounding it. Reaching down, he picked up
an 1847 Liberty Head penny. He remembered back to when he was a child sitting
on his bed looking through his family’s money jar. While he was holding the
coin, he also remembered how nice he thought the Liberty Head large cents felt
in his hand. Smiling, the man took the coin home and gave it to his daughter.
She put the penny in a box with other objects she saw as valuable. One day,
when the girl was organizing her treasures, she accidentally took the penny as
spending money. After selling some candy to the girl, the store owner took the
coin. He noticed it was an old design and thought he could sell it for a little
extra cash bonus. He sold it to a pawn shop for two dollars and left on his


The penny made its way
through different boxes until it went into a storage room where it sat
collecting dust. When the owner of the shop died in 1902 and the building was
emptied, the coin ended up in the hands of a brilliant, young, prosperous coin
collector. This collector had many valuable pieces, but also had a few coins
which he kept for their sentimental value. The owner of the pawn shop had been
his grandfather, so he decided to keep the dirty, eroded coin as a memory of
his ancestor. For forty years, the man kept the old copper 1847 in his
collection. His wise decisions with money and a sizable portion of his
grandfather’s will kept him successful throughout the Great Depression of the
1930’s; his collection was able to live on. The Big Baby Boom of the 1950’s
brought the man grandchildren as well as old age. Knowing that the end of his
days was drawing near, he decided to pass his possessions to his loved ones.
Similar to what happened over fifty years ago, the old man passed the ’47 along
with some other coins to his feisty granddaughter.


Although the girl was
interested in coin collecting for some time, the interest of collecting wore
off.  She sold a tray of old pennies to a
coin store owner, getting a little more money for the copper in the Braided
Hair One Cent piece. Even though the owner of the store was rich for a few
years, he became bankrupt due to squandering his profit on foolish things. By
1971, he was very poor, so he sold the last of his collection to an old antique
shop in downtown Omaha, Nebraska. The 1847 penny sat in a case for a long time
because nobody thought much of it. Eventually, after two years, a boy with
fifteen dollars purchased it and went home. As his collection expanded in
worth, he traded the penny for a new binder to hold his half dollars. The coin
again sat for years on a shelf, looked over by successful collectors for of its
low grade and obvious corrosion. By 1980, the coin had not yet been purchased.
Finally, a man came into the store looking for a piece to start a collection.
Flipping through a money magazine a week earlier had sparked an interest in
coins. Spotting something he had never seen before, he picked up an 1847
Braided Hair Liberty Head Large Cent. He was surprised that nobody had bought
it, because he thought it was great. The man, who spent $18, had started a
collection. Intrigued by large cents, the man decided to make a complete
Braided Hair Liberty Head set, starting with the 1847 P. When his collection of
large cents became huge, he moved the lower grade coins to a tray in his attic.
One day twenty-four years later, he pulled out that very tray of old cents with
which he started his collection. Although the coins were special to him, he
thought it was time to sell them.


By the time he sold the
pennies in 2005, he had moved to Colorado. After trading the coins to
Hallenbeck Coin Gallery, he left with a few nice Peace Dollars to begin another
chapter in his collection. Once again, the coin sat in a case, not drawing much
attention to itself. Seven years later, I walked in to Hallenbeck with my
brother looking for a good deal. After finding out that I didn’t have enough
money to buy the Peace Dollar I wanted, I started browsing the different cases.
I stopped, noticing something I never knew existed. An 1847 P Braided Hair Liberty Head Large Cent
Piece caught my attention. It was for sale at $22, but I only had $20 with me.
My brother let me borrow two of his dollars, so I left the coin store with the
penny in my hand. I plan to continue my Braided Hair set along with my other
collections in the future. I will keep the dirty, old, historic ’47 as a
reminder that a coin does not have to be worth a lot of money in order to be

1847 braided hair large cent obverse

braided hair large cent reverse

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