National Coin Week theme, Building Tomorrows: Inspiration and Innovation at World’s Fairs

November 17, 2014 By ekr


World’s Fairs and Expositions have long celebrated mankind’s achievements in science, architecture and social progress. The 2015 National Coin Week theme, “Building Tomorrows: Inspiration and Innovation at World’s Fairs,” will celebrate the history of these great events and the 100th anniversary of the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco.

Each year, numismatists across the country celebrate National Coin Week during the third week of April. The 2015 celebration will take place April 19-25.

In recent years, the theme for National Coin Week has been provided by ANA members. This year, ANA member Esther Leising submitted the winning entry. She will receive a 2014 Civil Rights Act of 1964 proof silver dollar. 

Activities and resources scheduled for the 2015 National Coin Week include:

A video activity via the ANA’s YouTube page and website for a variety of prizes.

A club trivia activity for a variety of prizes. 

A promotional kit for clubs with educational materials, buttons, bookmarks and more.

An open house at the Edward C. Rochette Money Museum, scheduled for April 25, featuring 2015 National Coin Week medalettes produced in the museum’s Mini Mint.

The winning theme for National Coin Week also serves as an exhibit category at the ANA’s National Money ShowSM, which will take place March 5-7, 2015, in Portland, Oregon. The exhibits are intended for placement in public spaces such as bank and post office lobbies, libraries, retail stores and schools. Materials cannot exceed $250 in total numismatic value. An exhibit entered in the competition may also be entered in one of the classified exhibit categories and may win awards in both competitions. It is also eligible for Best-of-Show, for exhibit rules and applications, go to 

For more information or to request club promotional materials, go to, email or call 719-482-9814.

The American Numismatic Association is a congressionally chartered nonprofit educational organization dedicated to encouraging people to study and collect money and related items. The ANA helps its 26,000 members and the public discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of education and outreach programs, as well as its museum, library, publications, conventions and seminars. For more information, call 719-632-2646 or go to

CONTACT: Emma Madura

Telephone: (719)-482-9871


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