New Categories and Prizes Announced for ANA YN Literary Awards
Top winners in annual competition to receive $1,000 in cash and books
The American Numismatic Association has joined forces with Whitman Publishing, LLC, to restructure and rename the annual ANA Young Numismatist Literary Awards. Changes include three new award categories and significant prizes for winners, including $1,000 in cash and classic numismatic books for the first-place winner in each category.
For more than 30 years, the ANA has presented awards to encourage young writers and ensure a corps of future numismatic authors and researchers. However, in the last decade, participation in this competition has dropped. The new categories and enhanced prizes were created to draw a greater number of high-quality submissions.
Categories have been revised as follows. Each is named in honor of a Whitman author dedicated to educating the next generation of numismatists:
Bill Fivaz Young Numismatist Literary Award (Ages 8-12)
Article should display basic knowledge of a numismatic topic. Creativity and original conclusions are encouraged.
Suggested length: 450-900 words
Q. David Bowers Young Numismatist Literary Award (Ages 13-17)
Article should display advanced knowledge of a numismatic topic. Logically presented facts and original conclusions are encouraged. A bibliographic list of sources is recommended, but not required.
Suggested length: 900-1,800 words
Kenneth E. Bressett Young Numismatist Literary Award (Ages 18-22)
Article should display in-depth knowledge of a numismatic topic. Logically presented facts and original conclusions are required, as is a bibliographic list of sources. Inclusion of charts, graphs, tables or other illustrations is encouraged.
Suggested length: 1,800-3,600 words
The following prizes will be awarded in each of the three age categories:
• First Place—Plaque and $500 cash prize, plus a $500 voucher with which to build a personal library of numismatic books produced by Whitman Publishing
• Second Place—Certificate, plus a $200 book voucher
• Third Place—Certificate, plus a $100 book voucher
Participants must be members of the ANA. Deadline for receipt of submissions for the 2010 Young Numismatist Literary Awards is June 30. Send material to the Publications Department, 818 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903; or via e-mail at Entries will be judged by a panel composed of ANA and Whitman Publishing representatives, as well as the awards’ namesakes—Bill Fivaz, Q. David Bowers and Ken Bressett. This year’s winners will be notified no later than July 14, and awards will be presented on August 14 during the ANA World’s Fair of Money® in Boston.
Originally Release Date: April 16, 2010
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9814