Nominations to be accepted for ANA Board of Governors

October 18, 2002 By ekr

Nominations to be accepted for ANA Board of Governors

Nominations for candidates to the American Numismatic Association’s (ANA) Board of Governors will be accepted beginning December 1, 2002.

The ANA is a nonprofit, educational organization recognized under the Internal Revenue Service Code as a Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. It is governed by a ninemember Board, which includes a president, vice president and seven governors at large.

The ANA’s federal charter, granted in perpetuity by the United States Congress, rests control of the Association in the hands of this Board.

In 2003 the terms of all nine officers will expire. Those elected will be installed on August 2, 2003, at the ANA’s 112th Anniversary Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, and will composethe Board of Governors for the ensuing two years.

ANA members with voting privileges can nominate candidates for the ANA Board of Governors. Nominations must be in writing and received by the executive director no earlier than December 1, 2002, and no later than March 31, 2003.

Nominees must be members who are entitled to hold office under the ANA Bylaws. Associate and honorary members, member clubs, and members under the age of 18 may not hold office. To be eligible for the office of president or vice president, a member must have served at least one term as governor. To be eligible to serve as a governor, a member must have been in good standing for at least three consecutive years immediately preceding the election. No member can serve on the Board more than 10 years.

To be a candidate for office, a member must receive at least five (5) nominations from member clubs in good standing and at least five (5) nominations from individual members in good standing. No member may nominate himself or herself for office. No member may nominate a number of candidates for any office in excess of the number that can be elected to an office. This means each individual member or club is allowed to nominate one person for president, one for vice president and seven for governor.

The executive director will contact each qualified nominee, notifying him or her of such nominations and requesting written acceptance or refusal on or before April 7, 2003. No
nominee may accept a nomination for more than one elective office. A list of nominees who have received the required number of nominations, and their resultant actions, will be published in The Numismatist beginning with the March 2003 issue.

All candidates for the Board of Governors are invited to participate in the ANA Candidate Forum to be held March 21, 2003, during the Association’s National Money Show in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Official nomination forms and guidelines can be obtained by contacting the ANA Executive Offices, 818 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3279; telephone 719/632-2646; fax 719/634-4085; E-mail; or by visiting the ANA web site at

Originally Release Date: October 18, 2002
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
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