R.W. Julian recieves Numismatic Writing Award

August 3, 2002 By ekr

R.W. Julian recieves Numismatic Writing Award

The Burnett Anderson Memorial Award for Excellence in Numismatic Writing is presented annually to a researcher, author or journalist in recognition of his or her career contributions to numismatics and is judged on the recipient’s body of work.

First conferred posthumously in 1999 to its namesake – a newsman’s journalist – the award is sponsored by Krause Publications. The recipient is selected in a cooperative process by the American Numismatic Association (ANA), American Numismatic Society (ANS) and Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG).

The 2002 recipient of the award for excellence in numismatic writing is R.W. (“Bob”) Julian. The award was presented at the Association’s 111th Anniversary Convention Awards Banquet in New York City on August 3.

Julian has been a contributing historian and author to hobby periodicals for more than 30 years. Throughout and after teaching high school mathematics, he has maintained his dedication to the study of history, with numismatic history consuming a large part of his interest.

Considered to be one of the top researchers in American numismatics of the 20th and now 21st centuries, Julian has greatly expanded the corpus of knowledge of the subject. Since 1960, he has established himself as one of the most prolific writers in the field.

Julian has written numerous articles for The Numismatist, Numismatic Scrapbook, Coin World, Coins and other numismatic periodicals and is a contributing editor for COINage magazine. Basing his work almost entirely on original research he conducted in the National Archives as well as other primary sources, Julian has repeatedly received the ANA’s highest literary honors.

In addition to his achievements in the study of American coinage, Julian also is recognized as an authority in the fields of official United States medals and Russian numismatics. His books include Medals of the United States Mint, The First Century, 1792-1892; From Rus to Revolution; Russian Coins through a Thousand years; Medals of the U.S. Assay Commission, 1860-1977; and Russian Silver Coinage, 1796-1917.

A collector since the age of 11, Julian joined the ANA in 1958 when he was 19 years old and received his 40-year membership pin in 1998. He became a fellow of the ANS in 1991.

In bestowing upon R.W. Julian the Burnett Anderson Memorial Award for Excellence in Numismatic Writing, the American Numismatic Association, American Numismatic Society and Numismatic Literary Guild express the sincere appreciation of their members.

Originally Release Date: August 3, 2002
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
                            Email: pr@money.org
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