Statement by Steve D’Ippolito, candidate for governor, 2015 Board of Governors

May 14, 2015 By ekr


Like most collectors I started out in childhood with US Coins but eventually branched out to Russian Imperial, building an extensive collection.  I then moved on to Ancients and back to US type coins.  So many things and ways one can collect!

After many years of exhibiting, I’ve spent ten years working to further our educational mandate through that program, serving as exhibit judge and assistant chief judge, and on the Exhibits Committee since 2007 (four years as chairman).  I also endowed the Best Of Show award for the National Money ShowSM.

I’ve also served as ANA Assistant Treasurer since 2013.

The ANA serves a vital role in numismatics, serving as an advocate for collectors of all experience levels.  The ANA has done much to appeal to, and support, new collectors, including the new website.  It’s an excellent start, but it isn’t done and needs to be expanded to appeal to other collectors, including bringing in more “serious” content to give new collectors an easy way to start more advanced pursuits.

The next step is to address our difficulty attracting and retaining members.  We should forgo speculation and take steps—like actually asking those who’ve left or don’t join—to discover why.  I want to improve the value the ANA offers to everyone.  I live near Colorado Springs, so I’m aware how much a resource the ANA can be, but I know most people don’t live here.  Thus, we should make the library and museum even more accessible online.

All this will take time and money.  Time can come from our staff, but money is still tight.  Many talk about having board members fundraise (and I’ll be happy to help), but I think there should also be a full-time fundraising director on staff, a position which will pay for itself.

You have my commitment that I will work for you, the collector, to improve the ANA and the hobby, and that, quoting Adna Wilde, I’ll “remember the member” at all times.  Can I have your vote?

In accordance with ANA bylaws, each candidate for ANA office must furnish a biographical sketch and platform, not exceeding 350 words in length, for publication in The Numismatist. To read the statements of the other candidates for the 2015 Board of Governors election, click here

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