Tom DeLorey Named Numismatist of the Year

July 23, 2009 By ekr

Tom DeLorey Named Numismatist of the Year

Thomas K. DeLorey has been selected as the American Numismatic Association’s 2009 Numismatist of the Year. The 37-year member will receive the award August 7 during the ANA World’s Fair of Money® in Los Angeles.

DeLorey grew up in suburban Detroit. His first position was staff writer and eventual editor of “Collectors’ Clearinghouse” for Coin World in Sidney, Ohio. He was at one time a serious collector of tokens and medals issued by Thomas L. Elder, one of the foremost U.S. coin dealers of the first half of the 20th century. DeLorey also was big on coins of the Republic of Honduras. (He authored award-winning articles on both topics for The Numismatist in the 1980s.) He credits his father with igniting his interest in numismatics.

DeLorey moved to Colorado Springs in 1978 to be an authenticator for the ANA’s Certification Service. Today, he works in Chicago as a senior numismatist for Harlan J. Berk, Ltd., a position he has held for the last 20 years. His research and published articles are well known in the hobby for their high quality and entertaining style.

Profile at a Glance
  • • Writer, Coin World (1973-78)
  • • Authenticator, ANA Certification Service (1978-84)
  • • Editor, TAMS Journal, Token and Medal Society (1981)
  • • Senior numismatist (U.S. issues), Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. (1989-present)
  • • SOB of the Year Award, Society of Bearded Numismatists (1981)
  • • Clemy Award, Numismatic Literary Guild (1999)
  • • Five-time winner, ANA literary award
  • • Two-time winner, ANA World Series of Numismatics
  • • Associate member, Professional Numismatists Guild
  • • Member, American Numismatic Society, Chicago Coin Club,
  • Liberty Seated Collectors Club and Michigan State Numismatic Society

Originally Release Date: July 23, 2009
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9814
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