Advanced U.S. Coin Grading and Problem Coins
Follow instructors Don Ketterling and Jeff Garrett as they walk you through the specifics of Advanced U.S. Coin Grading and Problem Coins. Please note that following each episode there is a forum guide, which provides a downloadable summary of the episode.
Advanced U.S. Coin Grading and Problem Coins | Jeff Garrett and Don Ketterling
Advanced U.S. Coin Grading and Problem Coins Trailer
Welcome to Advanced U.S. Coin Grading: A Course Introduction
In this episode, you will meet the course instructors and be provided an overview of what is to come in the Forum.
Additional Reading
How Did We Get Here? A Review and History of Grading
In this episode, the instructors examine the history or grading, key aspects to consider when grading, and key designations.
Grading Service Know-how: Different Grading Services
In this episode, the instructors examine the rise of grading services and the current grading landscape.
Additional Reading
To Be or Not to Be: Counterfeit Awareness
In this episode, the instructors discuss counterfeit awareness.
Ready, Set, Grade: Determining Grading Skills
In this episode, the instructors assess the skill levels of their students.
Grading with Don Ketterling: Professor Insight
In this episode, Don discusses some very specific topics that may arise when dealing with advanced grading concepts. In his discussions with students, he takes the time to explore the fine details.
Additional Reading
Grading with Jeff Garrett: Professor Insight
In this episode, Jeff discusses some very specific topics that may arise when dealing with advanced grading concepts. In his discussions with students, he takes the time to explore the fine details.
In the Eye of the Beholder: The Importance of Eye Appeal
In this episode, Jeff explores the rising power of eye appeal, specifically how the same coin, of the same grade, can have drastically different pricing based on eye appeal.
Let the Games Begin: Competition Day
In this episode, the instructors lead the class in a competition to test their skills from the week.
Practice Makes Perfect: Summary and Student Growth
This episode provides a wrap-up of the course as a whole.