World Mint Theatre Set for Baltimore World’s Fair of Money

July 9, 2008 By ekr

World Mint Theatre Set for Baltimore World’s Fair of Money 

World Mint Theatre at the Baltimore World’s Fair of Money® will be held in a new format that is more convenient for visitors and members of the press. The 30-45 minute presentations will take place on the Hall A Stage, on the bourse floor between the main show entrance and the Mint Promenade. World Mint Theatre is a perfect opportunity for mints to talk about new issues and current trends in numismatic production. 

The following is a list of World Mint Theatre presentations: 

Wednesday, July 30
11 a.m.: Royal Australian Mint 

Thursday, July 31
10 a.m.: The New Zealand Post 
11 a.m.: Royal Canadian Mint 
1 p.m.: Bureau of Engraving and Printing 

Friday, August 1
11 a.m.: Monnaie de Paris 
Noon: The Perth Mint 
2 p.m.: United States Mint Forum with Mint Director Edmund Moy 

Originally Release Date: July 8, 2008
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9821
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