World Series of numismatics returns to ANA with new ground rules

April 27, 2001 By ekr

World Series of numismatics returns to ANA with new ground rules

The challenge and thrill of the American Numismatic Association’s (ANA) 2001 World Series of Numismatics returns to the lineup of programs at the ANA World’s Fair of Money® in Atlanta, August 8-12.

“After a one-year hiatus, the playing field for the ANA World Series of Numismatics has been redesigned to heighten the action and increase competition among players,” says Gail Baker, ANA education director and series commissioner. “Players will have pinch hitters and chances to throw ‘lifelines’ to the fans. The night game under the lights promises to be filled with the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.”

Five players will be selected before the season opens based on their individual expertise in various numismatic specialty areas. For example, only one competitor will be signed on as a territorial gold specialist, while another player will join the series hoping to clean up on paper money.

“Before the game begins, each starter will hand-select someone to assist them,” Baker says from the series front office. “However, strategy will play a big part in this new game. Players can call on their partner to pinch hit or choose someone else’s partner. But once that minor leaguer answers a question, he or she has to sit on the sidelines until the next round.”

In the first round of the series, players will be pitched “easy” general numismatic questions. If they answer correctly, they put five points on the scoreboard and get a crack at a question in their chosen specialty. This second pitch is worth 25 points, but, if they miss it, five points will be deducted from their score. No points are lost for fouling out the first question.

Round 2 follows the same pattern as the first, except the questions are more difficult and the potential for scoring big also increases, with the first question worth 10 points and the second worth 50. If a player misses on the second question, he or she loses 10 points.

Competitors can make up lost ground in the Bonus Round, choosing questions worth 100 or 200 points. Most of the bonus-round questions are from specialty areas, but players will draw them at random – they may not get one from their area of expertise. Answers in this round are written, and players can consult their partners. If the team misses the question, they lose its point value.

“We want to crown a winner, so we have a tie-breaker round, where questions carry a point value decided by the players before the round begins,” Baker says. “Hits are added to a player’s score, but misses are taken away. The player with the highest score wins the series.” Tryouts will be held until July 16, 2001, on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign ups will close as soon as all five team specialty areas are named. Players have until Friday, August 10, at the World’s Fair of Money to train for the series.

To sign up or for more information about the ANA 2001 World Series of Numismatics, contact Gail Baker, ANA Education Director, 818 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3279; telephone 719/632-2646; fax 719/634-4085; or e-mail 

Originally Release Date: April 27, 2001
ANA Contacts: Phone: 719-482-9872
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