Treasure Trivia

Treasure Trivia is a great way to attract kids to the hobby, as they get to learn basic information from some of the most knowledgeable numismatists available while earning fabulous prizes along the way.

The Treasure Trivia scavenger hunt for children has been a mainstay at the American Numismatic Association National Money Show and World’s Fair of Money across the country for well over a decade…

Here’s how Treasure Trivia works: Children (ages 17 and under) come to Ernie’s Treasure Treehouse to get a sheet with a list of the participating table holders, along with their corresponding table numbers and questions.

Participants then go to each one on the list and ask the multiple-choice question that corresponds to that stop. The children are instructed to search for the answers in whichever order they choose, allowing them the freedom to experience the hobby at their own pace.

When they are done, they come back to Ernie’s Treasure Treehouse to have their answers checked, earning numismatic prizes if all are correct!

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